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 February 13, 2014: Gregg Mitman on Capitalist Expansion, Cinema and Memory 


Gregg Mitman gave a powerful talk on the history of the Firestone company’s mid-twentieth century expansion into Liberia, and the the role of their archival footage in helping post-civil war Liberians reclaim memories of their collective past. Mitman’s talk provided not just insight into a historically significant moment in American expansion into the developing world, it also highlighted how and why humanities scholars might benefit from engaging in non-textual modes of representation, and more direct interventions in the socially and politically fraught contexts that provide the foundation for much academic work. Students also benefited from a post-lecture seminar with Mitman, where they discussed the theoretical and methodological frameworks of his work, and also how they too might approach embracing a multi-mediated modes of scholarship and civic engagement. 


We’ve moved Gregg Mitman’s February 13 talk to Stedman Lecture Hall F. Below is a link to an interactive map of York’s Keele campus to get you to the new space:


January 21, 2014: Anne Milne on Metaphors of Containment and Animal Environments in Romanticism


Dr. Milne gave an excellent talk on metaphors of containment in British poetry from 1780-1830. The talk explored issues relevant to scholars in literature, environmental studies, STS and animal studies, among others. Her interdisciplinary approach, and novel arguments generated a lively discussion. 

November 26, 2013: Etienne Benson Talks Surveillance and Mediation in Animal Ecology

Dr. Benson offered a unique take on the history of animal tracking technologies in North America. Attended by a range of scholars from STS, environmental students and the communication and culture program, the talk generated a rich and lively discussion. 

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November 12, 2013: Jane Maienschein on the Role of STS in Public Debates About Science and Medicine

Dr. Maienschein presented a passionate and engaging talk about the role of STS researchers in providing clarity and context to the general public in debates about science and medicine. The talk touched on issues of ethics and controversy that can become muddled by arguments founded on opinion rather than a rational engagement with facts and scientific practice. Following her talk, Maienschein held a seminar with graduate students in the STS program that extended the themes from her public lecture. Her honesty and thoughtfulness made it this a very valuable event for students in attendance. 

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October 15, 2013: Nicole Nelson Talks Complexity and Behavioural Genetics

Dr. Nicole Nelson from McGill University gave a wonderful talk about the specific ways in which behavioural geneticists attempt to account for and contain the environmental complexities that impact the success of laboratory experiments with model mice. The lecture also touched on a shift in emphasis from the search for specific causal genes to a more holistic, systems-like approach in the field of behavioural genetics. The talk sparked an engaging discussion and Dr. Nelson was kind of enough to stick around and chat about the job market with a small group of senior doctoral students!



October 8, 2013: Nicholas Langlitz on Dreams and Laboratory Studies

Dr. Langlitz gave a fascinating lecture on the recent history of dream research and neurophilosophy, and their unique encounters with STS practitioners. The talk, “The Dream Catcher: Philosophy in the Sleep Lab” was well attended, sparked a lively discussion and fit perfectly with the overall theme of this year’s seminar series. 

Kroker and Langlitz









 Kenton Kroker and Nicholas Langlitz

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Image, "Zooxanthallae", by Nadir Balan
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